
Upper East Texas News

Friday, February 28, 2025

Lamar County schools enroll 4,108 at-risk students in 2021-22 school year

Webp commissioner of education mike morath 2023

TX Commissioner of Education Mike Morath 2023 | State Board for Education

TX Commissioner of Education Mike Morath 2023 | State Board for Education

Lamar County schools enrolled 4,108 students who identified as being at risk during the 2021-22 school year, according to the Texas Education Agency.

This is a 14% increase over the previous school year.

Of the 8,459 students enrolled in Lamar County schools, 48.6% of them are considered to be at risk.

Lamar County had the 68th highest number of at-risk students among Texas counties.

The Texas education system is currently torn between public schools and taxpayer-funded private schools.

Critics argue that private schools use funds that should go to the public school system, while private school advocates claim they’re offering better education for more Texas students.

At-Risk Students in Lamar County Schools in 2021-22 School Year

SchoolNumber of at-risk studentsTotal Number of students
Paris High School364929
Aikin Elementary School560924
North Lamar High School290711
Chisum Elementary School286579
Paris Junior High School312551
Frank Stone Middle School255548
Justiss Elementary School385533
Crockett Intermediate School351527
Blossom Elementary School115428
W. L. Higgins Elementary School186352
Chisum High School86305
Prairiland High School91302
Bailey Intermediate School137291
Cecil Everett Elementary School136277
Chisum Middle School77261
Prairiland Junior High School98243
Aaron Parker Elementary School138237
Lamar County Head Start89198
Deport Elementary School49117
Givens Early Childhood Center65106
Travis High School of Choice3840