
Upper East Texas News

Monday, February 24, 2025

Lamar County County’s student body comprised mostly of white students in 2021-22 school year

Webp hs 06

Of the many ethnicities represented in Lamar County County schools, white was the most prevalent ethnicity among Lamar County County students in the 2021-22 school year, according to the Texas Education Agency.

Of the 8,459 students attending Lamar County County schools, 58% were white. Hispanic students were the second largest ethnicity, making up 17% of Lamar County County students.

In the previous school year, white students still were the most common group in Lamar County County, representing 58.9% of the student body.

Aikin Elementary School had the most even distribution of races among the county schools, including 39.4% white students, 29.5% Black students, 17.7% Hispanic students, 11% Multi-racial students, 1% Asian students, 0.8% American Indian students, and 0.5% Pacific Islander students.

In the 2021-22 school year, the total number of students enrolled in public schools in the county increased 1.7% when compared to the previous year.

The Texas education system is currently torn between public schools and taxpayer-funded private schools.

Critics argue that private schools use funds that should go to the public school system, while private school advocates claim they’re offering better education for more Texas students.

Ethnicities in Lamar County County in 2021-22 School Year

white [58%]Hispanic [17%]Black [16.1%]Multi-racial [6.9%]Ethnicities <5% [2%]
Students’ Ethnicity Percentage in Lamar County County Schools in 2021-22 School Year

School nameMost prevalent ethnic groupPercent of Total Student BodyTotal enrollment
Aaron Parker Elementary Schoolwhite75.1%237
Aikin Elementary Schoolwhite39.4%924
Bailey Intermediate Schoolwhite74.2%291
Blossom Elementary Schoolwhite86.9%428
Cecil Everett Elementary Schoolwhite73.3%277
Chisum Elementary Schoolwhite81.3%579
Chisum High Schoolwhite82%305
Chisum Middle Schoolwhite81.2%261
Crockett Intermediate Schoolwhite33.2%527
Deport Elementary Schoolwhite82.9%117
Frank Stone Middle Schoolwhite75.7%548
Givens Early Childhood Centerwhite34%106
Justiss Elementary SchoolHispanic33.4%533
Lamar County Head StartBlack42.4%198
North Lamar High Schoolwhite76.2%711
Paris High SchoolBlack34.7%929
Paris Junior High SchoolBlack32.5%551
Prairiland High Schoolwhite83.8%302
Prairiland Junior High Schoolwhite83.5%243
Travis High School of Choicewhite62.5%40
W. L. Higgins Elementary Schoolwhite74.7%352